Hurricane Nicole was a category 1 hurricane that made landfall on the east coast of Florida. The area experienced heavy rain, flooding, and winds reaching 95 mph. If you experienced any water, wind, or other property damage due to Hurricane Nicole – then you should consider working with a public insurance adjuster like Peter Johnson. Here are just a few reasons why.

Your Damage Will Be Properly Documented

One of the most important factors of any insurance claim is properly documenting the damage. Peter Johnson is very familiar with the types of damage usually caused by hurricanes. He can thoroughly assess your property to ensure the full extent of your loss is properly documented and reported to your insurance company. If you try to do this on your own, you may miss damage that could have been documented in the original claim. Furthermore, any damage recognized later may be more difficult to get reimbursed for. Avoid this stress by working with a professional public adjuster like Peter Johnson.

Get The Full Reimbursement You’re Entitled To

Peter Johnson won’t only closely analyze your damage, but he’ll also review your specific insurance policy. Most homeowners aren’t aware of everything covered in their policy, so opportunities for a higher reimbursement can easily be missed. Get the help of a professional to ensure you get all of the money you’re entitled to after a loss.

Your Claim Won’t Be Lost in The Mix

After a hurricane hits, insurance companies are typically inundated with many claims. It may require a lot of follow-ups with the company to ensure your claim is addressed promptly. Instead of worrying about staying in touch with the insurance company yourself, work with Peter Johnson instead. He can communicate with your insurance company to ensure your claim is addressed correctly and quickly.

Call Peter Johnson today at 561 744-7111 or cell 561 676-9202 to learn more about how he can help you with your claim. He’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have!

Also, please keep in mind that the maximum commission any Public Adjuster can earn for these types of emergency claims is 10%.